Well an interesting summer so far. Have managed to secure a permanent job at the University (Southampton) for 2 days a week which is very exciting as it will allow me to fund all my training whilst not being too onerous a committment.
I have finished my Nutritional Medicine course - at least as far as I am concerned- having done 8 modules and therefore getting a diploma (rather than the MSc I was originally going to do). Just have to await the results to make sure I made the grade. I have also signed up for my next course in Advanced Clinical Massage at Jing - a college in Brighton which fuses Eastern and Western techniques. I start in September.
So, have been trying to get back into developing my businesses- namely the massage and the gardening. Today being a day off for me I decided to devote this to updating my personal website http://patriciaworby.info/. This is the site where I detail all the information I have been gleaning from my various studies - Nutritional Medicine, etc and bring it all together with my massage practice. I am beginning to pick up more clients again through contacts at the university and it feels really exciting. I have also offered my services to members of harbour lights, our local Picturehouse cinema. Despite reservations that 'I'm not good enough' or no-one will want my services I decided to go ahead anyway. And, personally I have met someone very lovely and so, despite a few initial setbacks, I am now in a relationship again which feels right.
August is a quiet month in the gardening year funnily enough as most people are away and hence projects are quiet. I am sure it will pick up again in the autumn. This gives me time to devote to marketing, social networking and other important topics. Thankfully I am fully restored to health so am able to do all this.
I notice it is already getting autumnal with spiders webs everywhere when I went for my run this morning. Ah well that's as it should be - the cycle of nature and all. I look forward the change of season but am hoping we will have a few nice days yet - it's still August after all.
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